Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What is happy???

Is it the absence of sad???
Or content with a bit of a zing??
And would you know it if it hit you with a pillowcase full of toy cars??

Chaz Bono

something has been bothering about this Chaz phenomenon. The fact that "she" was so fat, it was easier to become a man than to lose weight.
Then, she/he was quoted as saying something to the effect of "being able to marry my partner" was a major reason behind the change.
I call shenanigans on this one.

It was easier to do this sex change than to deal with the underlying issues, ie family stuff???
It seems like a great length to go if you aren't really sure.

Although I have heard that hormones are really the only change going on. No boob removal or penis construction.

I am going to have to go with-unless you have a penis, you are still a woman.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I have had enough.

The stupid people win. I give.
I cant keep up with the idiocy of people in my shop and life much longer. It is wearing me down to the point that I am going to end up in a hospital with a heart attack.

I dont know when people started to loose their minds/common sense/manners. It just seems like the last 2 weeks, all I have done is deal with the stupid and insane. And it is making me crazy as a result. I am taking tummy medicine every night to stop being nauseous all the time and to manage to sleep.

MJ got off easy, didnt he??? All the drugs and cushy life that he could take. No one told him no, treated him like he was the idiot. Or they were fired.

It is all so frustrating now. I cant take much more.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A close shave...

Not the Wallace and Grommit kind.
But the kind where a 12 year old boy fears he has impregnated a slutty girl from a council estate, and DNA says he hasnt.

The surprising bit, I think, really, is that there were other boys offering that THEY could be the father too. If it were me, I would have shut my mouth and let someone else take the fall for it. Since the poor 12 year old seemed to want to be the father so badly.

Instead, more people got involved, the plot thickened and now we have a poor unwanted baby, with chavs as parents who wont know what the hell to do now.

And will raise another loser like themselves.

Ah, how the life cycle perpetuates itself.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh Farrah...

I was so sad to hear that Farrah was dying now, with liver cancer. Make no mistake, I am still saddened, but I have also learned that she has made some bad choices to wind up where she is now.

She didnt have surgery, or chemo. Instead she opted to go to some clinic promising "miracles" overseas. And somehow was surprised that things went badly. I know I wouldnt want to live with a colostomy bag, but seriously, I would rather LIVE. And especially with cancer, you cant mess around.

Go to the snake oil salesman as a last resort, not a first stop.